How do I set up mobile app conversion tracking with Branch?
In order to track mobile app engagement on your Outbrain campaigns using Branch, please use the following step-by-step guide:
1. Generate your Branch ad link following the below steps:
- Go to the Ads page within the Branch dashboard (on the left sidebar)
- Select “Partner Management” from the sidebar
- Search for Outbrain
- Select Outbrain and click the “Save & Enable” button
- Within “Links” (also in left sidebar), select “Create Ad Link”
Sample Link:{{android_id}}&%24idfa={{idfa}}&~campaign_id={{campaign_id}}&~click_id={{ob_click_id}}&~creative_id={{promoted_link_id}}&~secondary_publisher={{publisher_name}}
2. Share the events you would like to track. This can be found under Partner Management > Outbrain > Postback Config.
The Postback URL will automatically generate in Branch with the event name as it is referred to within Branch. For example, if the event in Branch is called COMPLETE_REGISTRATION and the Postback URL is not modified within Branch, the event name will be sent as COMPLETE_REGISTRATION.
Sample Link:${ (last_attributed_touch_data.~click_id)! }&name=${ (name)! }&orderId=${ (event_data.transaction_id)! }&orderValue=${ (event_data.revenue)! }¤cy=${ (event_data.currency)! }
3. Create the conversion events within the Amplify dashboard. Please note, an “Install” event must also be created.
4. You or your designated Outbrain Account Manager creates the campaign based on the Branch ad link.
Sample Link:{{android_id}}&%24idfa={{idfa}}&~campaign_id={{campaign_id}}&~click_id={{ob_click_id}}&~creative_id={{promoted_link_id}}&~secondary_publisher={{publisher_name}}
5. In the case you’d like to direct users to a landing page, a separate ad link needs to be created within Branch. Please utilize Branch’s detailed guide on how to customize links for redirects.